Hello to All and especially if You are Just Starting Out,
This site has many options where you can start for Free* .
I know for a lot of people money is an issue when having to pay for monthly costs for a Website,
A Domain Name, An Autoresponder and good Traffic does cost money.
My suggestion to you is to utilize all the Free* options you have here where you can get a ...
Free Website
Free Hosting
Domain names are cheap and you pay once a year which is awesome and very affordable.
Stop wasting your time and money buying all the quick schemes out there and focus on One Thing At A Time!!
Start with Free! and once you start earning some money then you can upgrade to bigger and better.
You can even start earning cash by being an Affiliate selling other people's products through "Clickbank" and not even need a website, domain name or hosting.
Take your time and go through all the Free options you have here and get started on your journey to becoming a full time marketer and being able to say good bye to your boss.
A great way to get started is HERE . Don't be afraid just check it out! It's Free like everything else on this site.
I am here to help.