Almost 3* MiLLon Members

Friday, May 20, 2011

Put A Hold On My WordPress Blog

I am in such a good mood today because I decided to join a 30day trial for only $7.00  called "Secrets of Internet Marketing" by Ewen Chia.

If you've been online for a bit you must have heard the name "Ewen Chia"   One of the best Marketers online.

My first day is today and I will be posting feedback on this membership site daily, after I finish what I have done.

I don't want to overload myself, so I will be reading every word so it sinks in and I understand every bit of what it means.

I'm very excited!

If you are interested at all in joining along just drop a comment and I can send you to the site.

I don't want to add a link here today because I'm not trying to sell something, I just want you to know what I'm up to and hopefully by me testing it I will be able to give you Honest Feedback from experience of using this site.

Stay tuned and never give up on your dreams.

Talk soon'

Laura The Novice Marketer

P.S. If you're interested in a Free Website Builder, Yes Free* check it out HERE*   you can get started on that in the meantime.

Have a great weekend with lots of success.

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