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Friday, July 15, 2011

S T O P >>>The Press!

Yes sir, you've got that right! Once again my plans have changed and for a very important reason.

I have come to a wall, not three brick high but the size of a mountain. 

Finally the ever mentioning "Information Overload" has hit me like a brick wall.

Here I am with a Domain Name, Hosting for that domain name, and an Auto Responder! and I don't know what and how to do it all. (dah!)

Three of the most important items one should have if they want to have a Website online building a list and at the same time earning an income.

Oh, I am going to tell you once again if I already haven't ...Stop getting distracted by shiny things!

Pick ONE person that you have become to Believe in, Trust, and feel they are being Honest.

Believe me when I tell you,