Almost 3* MiLLon Members

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Still Getting Set Up

It's Saturday....what will You be doing?

I'm still going through some steps to get set up online, so I don't want you to think that I've been ignoring my blog.

I have been popping in to add some awesome Free* links which are sitting on the sidebar, so please take a minute to browse and see All the Valuable information and Free* options that are waiting for the picking.

I'm off to have an MRI this morning at 7am, so I have to go shower and get ready because I am travelling by transit.

Have a great weekend everyone and don't forget to Stay Focused on what You want to get completed.

Always here for help in anything I can do to help You along Your way.


Friday, June 11, 2010

MANY* Free Opportunities!

Hey, how's everyone doing?

I just wanted to remind everyone that there is So Many Free Opportunities available online, that you shouldn't have to pay anything until you are more experienced at knowing how to set things up.

Take Your time, and keep Your Money in Your wallet.

Many people think if they buy an expensive program that is being advertised to earn them lots of money in a couple of weeks, or something of that nature, it will really happen.

I am here to tell you, come on, really think about it.  If people could earn thousands of dollars in a matter of days, wouldn't you think there would  be many more people happily earning enough money to retire?

Don't get scammed!!

Now, if you want to spend a bit of money, that is a different story, because I do believe that you could actually have a Website of your own, with an autoresponder, and an opt-in page, (a page to capture a potential buyer's name and email address, for Your List!), the cost for that to happen would only cost you probably under $50.00 a month. 

I am talking about a basic Website that you would do yourself, an autoresponder that would cost anywhere from $5.00 to $20.00 per month, and an opt-in page.

So please try some of the  Free options  that are available, and really good too.  This way it will be a Great way to learn the ins and outs, and once You feel comfortable enough to put some of Your Money on the line, then and only then should You decide to do that.

I am telling You from experience, Stay Focused!, Don't get side tracked, or distracted by shiny things, because that is such a Waste of Time!

You could get a Website set up with an opt-in and autoresponder, with a product from Clickbank, and You as an Affiliate, all done and ready to go over the weekend.  True.

People that are just starting out, sometimes are afraid to try anything and that is one of the things that get in the way of Your Goals.


Check out the Free Links --->>>--->>>

Have a Great Weekend everyone!

If You're into the Soccer games.....VIVA ITALIA !!!

Always* here to help.
647 435-5460

Friday, June 4, 2010

New Great* Traffic Exchanges


Just wanted to shout out about a couple of New Traffic Exchanges that You can get some Free* upgrades, and have some fun. I really like those ones. :)

Go sign up, and You'll see what I mean.

The first one is, HERE*  and the second one is, HERE

That's it for now. :)

But, ... if You have some Traffic Exchanges that You think are Great, and You feel they are helping you Drive Traffic to Your Sites, then Please add a comment to let me know, and I'd love to join under You, to help Build Your List.

Always have Fun~
